The Marriages
of Prophet Muhammad (Part 2 of 2): A Humble Life
Description: The marriages that Prophet Muhammad contracted in the
various stages of his life. Part 2: A look into some aspects of the humble
life of the Prophet and how it relates to the reasons he contracted his
The Fourth Stage
Upon the conquest of Mecca in 8 A.H., warfare came to an end for the
most part. After this time, the Prophet did not remarry. This shows that he
added wives to his family only in the time of instability and warfare, both
to protect them and their children, and to expand and stabilize the Muslim
The fact that Prophet Muhammad led a morally upright life was
acknowledged by his adversaries, and this is referred to in the Quran where
God challenges his detractors by asking them, rhetorically, if they can find
any moral defect in his life. He told
Prophet Muhammad to
“…(Say), I have lived among you a lifetime before this. Do you not then
use your reason?” (Quran 10:16)
No one was able to find any fault in his character that they could make
stick. Assuming, against all evidence,
that he was an imposter and the personal author of the Quran; would he have
presented his morally upright life as proof for his claim to be God’s
His Humble Standard of Living
Those few years in Medina in
which most of his marriages took place was not one spent in luxury and
comfort Rather, his was a harsh life, marred with the death struggle against
the pagans. Huge armies were at the gates of Medina ready to crush the
Muslims, and most of Arabia had united against him. Battles had to be fought
in quick succession, no time for resting on the laurels of victory or ashes
of defeat between them. For a responsible leader, it was no time for
indulging the passions; not even the ordinary man who was so inclined would
find much to indulge his passions in such times.
Once an orphan, he then became the ruler of a unified Arabia; but that
did not change his simple way of living. He ate the same humble food and wore
the same manner of dress he had worn from his early manhood, perhaps even more
simple and humble than then. The furniture of his sleeping room consisted of
a bed made of date palm leaves which left marks on his body, one about which
even one the closest companions remarked:
“O Messenger of God, the leaders of the Persians drink from vessels of
gold silver, and you do as such?” (Ahmed)
He would often go without eating for nights on end, and for days no
fire would be lit in his house to prepare food. When this happened, the whole
family would survive on dates and water, despite the fact that the public
treasury was at his disposal. The Prophet could have lived in comfort if he
wanted to, as his followers, some of them quite wealthy, were ready to
sacrifice anything for him. However, due to God's command concerning the
behavior of Prophets, he would accept no charity for himself or his
family. Moreover, whether in times of
poverty or plenty, he was not a man devoted to the pleasures this worldly
His Nights
Prophet Muhammad had many wives, but he did not spend most of his night
in conjugal enjoyment with them. The Prophet was commanded by God to
“Stand (praying) all night, except a little; half of it or a little
less than that, or a little more. And
recite the Quran (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style.” (Quran 73:2-4)
His wives described how his feet would swell from standing in prayer. This
habitual and constant occupation clearly does not belong to the life of a man
given to sensual pleasures.
The Simple Life of His Wives
After migration to Medina, prosperous trade changed the condition of
Muslims. Conquests brought the comforts of life, and the wives of the Prophet
naturally desired to share the legitimate comforts of life. However, God
“O Prophet, say to your wives, if you desire the life of this world and
it’s charms, come, I will give you a provision and set you free with
kindliness. But if you desire God and
His Messenger and the life of the Hereafter, then, truly, God has prepared
for those of you who are virtuous, a great reward.” (Quran 33:28-29)
All the wives were offered alternatives, but not a single one of them
left him for a more comfortable life. Had they suspected him of being an imposter, or had found the least
fault in his character, or even truly desired the comfortable life offered as
an alternative to being married to him, they could have simply left. Instead, every single one of them chose the
honor of being his wife. Surely if he
was a sensual man, he would not deny the wishes of his wives like this and be
willing to divorce all of them if they had inclined, even if briefly, towards
the worldly pleasures that had become available.