The Fifth Pillar Of Islam: The Pilgrimage (Hajj)
The Hajj
(pilgrimage to Mecca) is the fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices and
institutions known as the five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is not undertaken in Islam to
the shrines of saints, to monasteries for help from holy men, or to sights
where miracles are supposed to have occurred, even though we may see many
Muslims do this. Pilgrimage is made to
the Kaaba, found in the sacred city of Mecca in Saudia, the ‘House of God,’
whose sanctity rests in that the Prophet Abraham built it for the worship of
God. God rewarded him by attributing
the House to himself, in essence honoring it, and by making it the devotional
epicenter which all Muslims face when offering the prayers (salah). The rites of pilgrimage are performed today
exactly as did by Abraham, and after him by Prophet Muhammad, may God praise
Pilgrimage is
viewed as a particularly meritorious activity. Pilgrimage serves as a penance - the
ultimate forgiveness for sins, devotion, and intense spirituality. The pilgrimage to Mecca, the most sacred
city in Islam, is required of all physically and financially able Muslims
once in their life. The pilgrimage
rite begins a few months after Ramadan, on the 8th day of the last month of
the Islamic year of Dhul-Hijjah, and ends on the 13th day. Mecca is the center towards which the
Muslims converge once a year, meet and refresh in themselves the faith that
all Muslims are equal and deserve the love and sympathy of others,
irrespective of their race or ethnic origin.
The racial harmony fostered by Hajj is perhaps best captured by
Malcolm X on his historic pilgrimage:
‘Every one of
the thousands at the airport, about to leave for Jeddah, was dressed this
way. You could be a king or a peasant
and no one would know. Some powerful
personages, who were discreetly pointed out to me, had on the same thing I
had on. Once thus dressed, we all had
begun intermittently calling out “Labbayka! (Allahumma) Labbayka!” (At your
service, O Lord!) Packed in the plane were white, black, brown, red, and
yellow people, blue eyes and blond hair, and my kinky red hair - all
together, brothers! All honoring the
same God, all in turn giving equal honor to each other . . .
That is when I
first began to reappraise the ‘white man’. It was when I first began to
perceive that ‘white man’, as commonly used, means complexion only
secondarily; primarily it described attitudes and actions. In America, ‘white man’ meant specific
attitudes and actions toward the black man, and toward all other non-white
men. But in the Muslim world, I had
seen that men with white complexions were more genuinely brotherly than
anyone else had ever been. That
morning was the start of a radical alteration in my whole outlook about
‘white’ men.
There were
tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed
blonds to black-skinned Africans. But
we were all participating in the same ritual displaying a spirit of unity and
brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could
exist between the white and the non-white...
America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion
that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world,
I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have
been considered white - but the ‘white’ attitude was removed from their minds
by the religion of Islam. I have never
before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors together,
irrespective of their color.”
Thus the
pilgrimage unites the Muslims of the world into one international
fraternity. More than two million
persons perform the Hajj each year, and the rite serves as a unifying force
in Islam by bringing followers of diverse backgrounds together in
worship. In some Muslim societies,
once a believer has made the pilgrimage, he is often labeled with the title
‘hajji’ ; this, however, is a cultural, rather than religious custom. Finally, the Hajj is a manifestation of the
belief in the unity of God - all the pilgrims worship and obey the commands
of the One God.
At certain
stations on the caravan routes to Mecca, or when the pilgrim passes the point
nearest to those stations, the pilgrim enters the state of purity known as
ihram. In this state, the certain ‘normal’ actions of the day and night
become impermissible for the pilgrims, such as covering the head, clipping
the fingernails, and wearing normal clothing in regards to men. Males remove
their clothing and don the garments specific to this state of ihram, two
white seamless sheets that are wrapped around the body. All this increases the reverence and
sanctity of the pilgrimage, the city of Mecca, and month of Dhul-Hijjah.
There are 5 stations, one on the coastal plains northwest of Mecca towards
Egypt and one south towards Yemen, while three lie north or eastwards towards
Medina, Iraq and al-Najd. The simple
garb signifies the equality of all humanity in God’s sight, and the removal
of all worldly affections. After
entering the state of ihram, the pilgrim proceeds to Mecca and awaits the
start of the Hajj. On the 7th of Dhu
al-Hijjah the pilgrim is reminded of his duties, and at the commence of the
ritual, which takes place between the 8th and the 12th days of the month, the
pilgrim visits the holy places outside Mecca - Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Minaa
- and sacrifices an animal in commemoration of Abraham’s sacrifice. The pilgrim then shortens or shaves their
head, and, after throwing seven stones at specific pillars at Minaa on three
or four successive days, and heads for the central mosque where he walks
seven times around the sacred sanctuary, or Kaaba, in the Great Mosque, and
ambulates, walking and running, seven times between the two small hills of
Mt. Safaa and Mt. Marwah. Discussing
the historical or spiritual significance of each rite is beyond the scope of
this introductory article.
Apart from
Hajj, the “minor pilgrimage” or umrah is undertaken by Muslims during the
rest of the year. Performing the umrah
does not fulfill the obligation of Hajj.
It is similar to the major and obligatory Islamic pilgrimage (hajj),
and pilgrims have the choice of performing the umrah separately or in
combination with the Hajj. As in the
Hajj, the pilgrim begins the umrah by assuming the state of ihram. They enter Mecca and circle the sacred
shrine of the Kaaba seven times. He
may then touch the Black Stone, if he can, pray behind the Maqam Ibrahim,
drink the holy water of the Zamzam spring.
The ambulation between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times and
the shortening or shaving of the head complete the umrah.