Happiness In Islam : Concepts
of Happiness
Even though happiness is perhaps one the most important things in life,
science still cannot explain much about it. Its concept itself is
elusive. Is it an idea, emotion, virtue, philosophy, ideal, or is it
just programmed in the genes? There is no agreed upon definition for
it, yet still everyone seems to be selling happiness these days - drug
dealers, pharmaceutical companies, Hollywood, toy companies, self-help gurus,
and, of course, Disney, creator of the Happiest Place on Earth. Can happiness
really be purchased? Is happiness achieved by maximizing pleasure,
earning fame and fortune, or living a life of unlimited leisure? The
series of articles will briefly explore the evolution of happiness in Western
thought, followed by the present cultural understanding in the West.
Finally, the meaning and a few means of attaining happiness in Islam will be
of Happiness in Western Thought
The Christian idea of happiness was based on a reported saying of
is your time of grief, I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one
will take away your joy” (John 16:22)
The Christian idea of happiness was developed over the centuries and,
in turn, rested on a theology of sin, which, as St. Augustine explained in
The City of God, taught that because of Adam and Eve’s original transgression
in the Garden of Eden, true happiness was “unattainable in our present life.”
In 1776, Thomas Jefferson, summarizing a good century of reflection on
the subject in Europe and America, deemed the “pursuit of happiness” a
“self-evident” truth. By this time, the truth of happiness had been
declared so often and so confidently that, for many, it scarcely needed
evidence. It was, as Jefferson said, self-evident. To secure the
“greatest happiness for the greatest number” had become the moral imperative
of the century. But just how “self-evident” was the pursuit of
happiness? Was it, in fact, so obvious that happiness was our naturally
intended end? Christians confessed that human beings pursued happiness
during their earthly pilgrimage, but remained skeptical about its
attainment. Elsewhere, Jefferson himself was pessimistic whether the
chase would ever be brought to a satisfying conclusion. “Perfect
happiness...was never intended by the Deity to be the lot of one of his
creatures,” he specified in a letter of 1763, adding soberly that even “the
most fortunate of us, in our journey through life, frequently meet with
calamities and misfortunes which may greatly afflict us.” To “fortify our
minds” against these attacks, he concluded, “should be one of the principal
studies and endeavors of our lives.”
Whereas in the fifth century, Boethius could claim that “God is
happiness itself,”[3] by the middle of the 19th century, the formula was
reversed to read “Happiness is God.” Earthly happiness emerged as the
idol of idols, the locus of meaning in modern life, the source of human
aspiration, the purpose of existence, the why and the wherefore.
If happiness was not, as Freud said, ‘in the plan of Creation,’[4] there were those ready to
alter the handiwork of the Maker to put it there by manufacturing, consuming,
and exporting it as democracy and free-market economy (materialism). As
the philosopher Pascal Bruckner observed, “Happiness is the sole horizon of
our contemporary democracies.” As a surrogate religion, materialism
relocated God to the shopping mall.
in Western Culture
In our culture, it is commonly believed that happiness is achieved when
you become rich, powerful, or popular. The young want to be that
popular pop idol, the old dream of winning the jackpot. We often seek
happiness by removing all stress, sadness, and irritations. For some,
happiness lies in mood-altering therapies. Eva Moskowitz, a historian,
gives some idea of the American obsession with the gospel of therapy: “Today,
this obsession knows no bounds…there are more than 260 [different kinds of]
12-step programs in America.”
One reason we have so much trouble attaining happiness is that we have
no idea about what it is. Consequently, we make poor judgments in
life. An Islamic tale illustrates the relationship of judgment with
“Oh, great sage, Nasrudin,” said
the eager student, “I must ask you a
very important question, the answer
to which we all seek: What is the
secret to attaining happiness?”
Nasrudin thought for a time,
then responded. “The secret of
happiness is good judgment.”
“Ah,” said the student. “But how
do we attain good judgment?
“From experience,” answered
“Yes,” said the student. “But how
do we attain experience?’
“Bad judgment.”
An example of our good judgment is knowing that materialistic comforts
by themselves do not lead to lasting happiness. Having reached that
conclusion by our good judgment, we do not retreat into our comforts.
We continue to crave a happiness that seems out of reach. We make more
money thinking that is the way to become happy, and in the process neglect
our family. Most big events we dream of yield less sustained happiness
than we hoped for. In addition to getting less happiness than we
expected or hoped for, we frequently do not know exactly what we want, what
will make us happy or how to get it. We misjudge.
Enduring happiness does not come from ‘making it.’ Imagine
someone could snap their fingers and give you fame, fortune, and
leisure. Would you be happy? You would be euphoric, but in the
short run. Gradually you would adapt to your new circumstance and life
would return to its normal mix of emotions. Studies show that big
lottery winners after a few months are no happier than the average person!
To recover the joy, you would now need an even higher high.
Consider, too, how we have “made it.” In 1957, our per-person
income, expressed in today’s dollars, was less than $8,000. Today it is
$16,000. With doubled incomes, we now have double the material goods
that money can buy - including twice as many cars per person. We also
have microwave ovens, color TVs, VCRs, answering machines, and $12 billion a
year worth of brand-name athletic shoes.
So are we happier? No. In 1957, 35 percent of Americans
told the National Opinion Research Center they were “very happy.” In
1991, only 31 percent said the same. Meanwhile, depression rates have soared.
God’s Prophet of Mercy said:
enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true
enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Real Happiness And
Inner Peace
Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of
the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in the Quran:
in remembering God do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)
On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran will have a life
of hardship in this world. God has said:
whoever turns away from the Quran, he will have a hard life, and We will
raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” (Quran 20:124)
This may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the
material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat Stevens (now
Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than
$150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness
and peace, which he had not found in material success.