Every students should have knowledge on person and its kinds otherwise they will face great problem when they will try to learn some important grammar item like narration. In speaking or writing it is very much important. So in this chapter I have provided little details on person and its kind.
Definition: A word that is thus used instead of a noun as well as
indicates a person or persons is called a Personal Pronoun.
Kinds of Personal Pronoun:
1. First Person.
2. Second Person.
3. Third Person.
First Person:
Definition: The pronouns I and We which denote the
person or persons speaking are said to be Personal Pronouns of the First
Examples: I, me, my, mine, myself, we, us, our, ours, ourselves.
Second Person:
Definition: The pronoun you which denotes the person
or persons spoken to is said to be a Personal Pronouns of the Second Person.
Examples: You, your, yours, yourself.
Third Person:
Definition: The pronouns he and they which denote the
person or persons spoken of, are said to be Personal Pronouns of the Third
Examples: He, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, they,
them, their, themselves, it, its, itself, and all kinds of Name.